I had a post all ready to go for this afternoon, and then POOF! Through the magical reach of social media I stumbled across this rappers delight!! Now just imagine–if time travel were real, we could relive moments like this one…on the regular! But instead, these encounters happen so infrequently, that many have forgotten what real Hip Hop sounds like. So if you will, allow me to set the scene for what you’re about to see. One, Das EFX, Brand Nubian, Jungle Brothers and ATCQ were the norm. Some or all of which are among your favorites, I’m sure. Remember how back in the day, Hip Hop ‘made you feel that way’? Yeah? Well that’s the feelin’ I got while watchin this video. Aiiight, how about you just go watch it now instead of me continuing to describe it and once you’re done, hit me back and let me know what you think. Until Next Time, -TL
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